Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Are you First Lady-Like?

I woke up today with a renewed sense of self. It may sound dramatic to some, but I actually felt as if I were somebody. No longer 3/5 of a human. 

Watching the election with my husband last night was more than emotional. It was, if I dare to sound childish, magical, and inspirational. I've heard folks say, "I can't describe how I feel". Now I can totally relate to that feeling. There are no words to say. It's a new way to think. To be. 

My husband and I decided that the "N-word" died in our home last night. We had been debating back and forth about it's usage in our home, family and community. We came to the decision that it is a word that we no longer identify with or even understand. We have vowed to never refer, in a loving or joking way, to anyone by that term again. I told my husband that from now on, I would call him "Pres". As an African-American man, he has been called everything except a child of God, and now it was his turn to be called President. He smiled and replied, "Then that makes you the First Lady". 

I stopped for a minute and thought about what he said. I looked on the TV screen and saw a beautiful woman/wife/mother that looks like me. How proud I was of her... and of me! Her brown skin, thick hair, smile, eyes all similar to mine. (Figuratively of course, I'm about as light-skinned as African-American women come! lol) Nonetheless, I saw myself standing there with my two beautiful children. Shining through every pain, trauma, tragedy and victory, I have ever experienced. 

It was at that moment, my proverbial "Ah Hah!", that I knew what I felt could not be singular. I thought there must be another woman on the face of this Earth that feels something similar. That's why I am writing this blog. I hope to change the way women, young and young and heart, view themselves, their relationships, and their futures. 

From this day on, all things said and done shall be becoming unto me, my family and unto the eyes of God. 


So I ask you, are you being First Lady-Like? 


Post, reply, whatever! 



Today is the day...

I must be crazy for starting this blog. I hate to write. It makes me physically ill to sit down and write anything. I even created my own form letters at work, so I wouldn't have to type the same letter to my clients over and over again. 
Cut and paste are my middle names. 

Yet, there is something in the air on this day that has inspired me to say any and all of the following. I'm not sure how far this blog will reach, or if it means anything to the reader. 
I do know that it's something real to me. 
And I am all that counts.